
Tax Certification Services

Auditing real and legal entities and their operations in terms of relavant tax rules, and reporting the results to the tax office.

Audit such kind performed by Sworn in CPA  is assumed to be tax inspection performed by tax inspectors and tax offices.

Among them, Full Ceritication Report, although not mandatory, would be very usefull for eliminating risks that may cuase addtiaonal tax and penalties for a possible tax inspecitons by tax inspectors and tax office i n the future

With in ontext of relevant legislation our certification services finalised a report are shown below:

  • Full Certication Report
  • Corporate İncome Tax Exemption Report
  • Revaluation of Assets Report
  • Tax Amnnesty Report for Foundations and Institutions and Organizations Engaging in Scientific Research and Development Activities
  • Special Consumption Tax Production Certificaiton Report
  • Operation Certification Report for Taxpayers Buying Marine Fuel with Zero SCT
  • Bio-ethanol Production Certifiaciton Report
  • Operation Certification Report on SCT Exemption for Vehicles Carriying Export Commodoties.
  • Operation Certification Report for Taxpayers Operating in Free Zones.
  • Aerosol Production Certificaiton Report.